New England Kendo Club
Martial Art of Swordsmanship

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Reiho – Etiquette

Start of group practice
Sei retsu: Line up
Seiza: Be seated
Ki o tsuke: Attention
Mokuso: Deep breathing and meditation
Mokuso yame: End of breathing and meditation
Shomen ni rei: Bow to head of dojo
Sensei ni rei: Bow to teachers
Men o tsuke: Put on your men

End of group practice
Sei retsu: Line up
Seiza: Be seated
Ki o tsuke: Attention
Men o tore: Remove your men
Mokuso: Deep breathing and meditation
Mokuso yame: End of breathing and meditation
Sensei ni rei: Bow to teachers
Shomen ni rei: Bow to head of dojo

Start of individual practice
Rei: Bow to partner
Onegai shimasu: Please, let's practice
Sonkyo: Crouching ‘En Garde’ position

End of individual practice
Sonkyo: Crouching ‘En Garde’ position
Rei: Bow to partner
Domo arigato gozaimashita: Thank you very much

Keiko – Practice
Ashi sabaki: Footwork
Suri ashi: Rubbing Feet
Ayumi ashi: Alternating stepping
Okuri ashi: Slide stepping
Hiraki ashi: Diagonal stepping
Fumi komi ashi: Attack stepping

Suburi - Striking the Air
Shomen suburi: Basic striking
Nanameburi: Diagonal striking
Jogeburi: Large motion striking
Hidari katate suburi: Left hand only striking
Hayasuburi: Quick striking

Kihon Waza - Fundamental Techniques
Men uchi: Strike to Men
Kote uchi: Strike to Kote
Do uchi: Strike to Do
Tsuki: Thrust to throat guard

Fundamental Drills
Kiri kaeshi: Repeated diagonal men striking
Kakari geiko: Attack practice
Ji geiko: Free practice
Shiai geiko: Tournament practice

Ni Dan Waza - 2 Step Comination Techniques
Kote men: Kote followed by men
Kote do Kote: followed by do
Men men: Men followed by men
Tsuki men: Tsuki followed by men

Oji Waza - Advanced Techniques
Men debana kote: Intercept of men with kote
Men debana men: Intercept of men with men
Kote nuki men: Evasion of kote with men
Men nuki do: Evasion of men with do
Kote suriage men: Deflection of kote, followed by men
Men suiage men: Delection of men, followed by men
Kote kaeshi men: Block & counter kote with men
Men kaeshi do: Block & counter men with do
Men kaeshi men: Block & counter men with men

San Dan Waza - 3 Step Combination Techniques
Kote men do: Kote men followed by do
Kote men men: Kote men followed by men
Tsuki men do: Tsuki men followed by do

Hiki waza - Backward Techniques
Hiki men: Men retreating from tsubazeriai
Hiki do: Do retreating from tsubazeriai
Hiki kote: Kote retreating from tsubazeriai

Other Techniques
Katate yokomen: One hand diagonal men
Katate tsuki: One hand thrust to throat guard

EIGA Sensei's Kendo Demo

KEN(Sword)  DO(Way or Philosophy)
Martial Art of Swordsmanship

New England Kendo Club

New England Kendo Club in CT

Location: Coop Vale Berlin - 510 Four Rod Rd. Berlin, CT 06023
Fri 7:45PM ~ 9:00PM

Offering Free Class
Martial Art in Connecticut

New England Kendo
New England Kendo

New England Kendo Club Since 2024

Instructor K. Ryu's Kendo Since 1992

New England Kendo Club
Nonprofit Organization
510 Four Rod Rd. Berlin, CT 06023
